1. Who owns or has owned a business of any kind 
2. Who makes more than £200,000 per year
3. Who does network/direct marketing already
4. Who is money motivated 
5. Who is influential
6. Who enjoys being around high energy people
7. Who quit their job or is out of work
8. Who is already wealthy
9. Your friends
10. Your brothers and sisters
11. Your parents
12. Your cousins
13. Your children
14. Your aunts and uncles
15. Your spouse’s relatives
16. Who you went to school with
17. Who works with you
18. Who is retired
19. Who works part-time
20. Who you like most
21. Who was laid off
22. Who purchased a new home
23. Who answers classified ads
24. Who runs personal ads
25. Who gave you a business card
26. Who works at night
27. Who delivers pizza to your home
28. Who sells Avon or Mary Kay
29. Who sells Tupperware
30. Who wants freedom
31. Who likes team sports
32. Who is a fund-raiser
33. Who watches TV often
34. Who works on cars
35. Who likes political campaigns
36. Who are social networkers
37. Who is in the military
38. Who do your friends know
39. Who is your dentist
40. Who is your doctor
41. Who will help you
42. Who works for the government
43. Who is unemployed
44. Who attends self-improvement seminars 
45. Who is dissatisfied with their job
46. Who reads books on success
47. Your children’s friends parents
48. Who was your boss
49. Your parents friends
50. Who you’ve met while on vacation
51. Who waits on you at restaurants 
52. Who cuts your hair
53. Who does your nails
54. Who does your taxes
55. Who works at your bank
56. Who is on your holiday card list 
57. Who is in retail sales
58. Who sells real estate
59. Who is a teacher
60. Who services your car
61. Who repairs your house
62. Who manages your apartments 
63. Who has children in college
64. Who likes to dance
65. Who sold you your car
66. Who you met at a party 
67. Who likes to buy things 
68. Who you’ve met on a plane 
69. Who does volunteer work 
70. Who has two jobs
71. Who has been in network marketing 
72. Who needs a new car
73. Who wants to go on vacation
74. Who works too hard
75. Who was injured at work
76. Who lives in your neighborhood
77. Who is your boss
78. Who delivers your mail
79. Who is concerned about the environment 
80. Who calls you at work
81. Who delivers your paper
82. Who handles your gardening
83. Who watches your children
84. Who attends your church
85. Who is unhappy with their income
86. Who you met through friends
87. Who tailors your clothes
88. Who sells cosmetics
89. Who bags your groceries
90. Who wants a promotion
91. Who exercises
92. Who is a vegetarian
93. Who plays sports
94. Who is wealthy
95. Who enjoys traveling
96. Who has lots of friends
97. Who belongs to the Chamber of Commerce 
98. Who likes to gamble
99. Who loves to have fun
100. Who haven’t you listed yet

Self Development is so important - we all need to develop a WILL to LEARN a NEW SKILL

you can buy the books - you can buy the CD's all of which are great value, but on line there is zillions of untapped resources.....

OK if you have not - DOWNLOAD - SPOTIFY

Spotify not only is great for music but also podcasts from the leaders in our Industry

here are a few of the ones I have been listening to

1) MLM NATION by Simon Chan
3) ERIC WORRE RADIO by Eric Worre
4) Relationship Marketing by Kody Bateman
5) Secret MLM Hacks by Steve Larson

For me the first two are the ones I have been listening to the most starting at the first - i am half way through the Simon Chans Podcasts and a few into Bob Heiligs

Seriously if you want to get on in this business we have to commit to self development
we also have to commit to listening to the webinars also we have to commit to attending the events and local meetings

Here is a proven way to reconnect with your old friends

You simply find an excuse to followup with them and then ask them how they’re doing.

What do I mean an excuse?

An excuse means something that makes you think about them.

And the best excuses are something in common.

Here is an example I used recently.

Ed, I was in Wales 2 weekends ago and it brought back memories of how we enjoyed England defeating Wales in the Rugby at Vardiff. How have you been?

My excuse (and what we had in common) was being “in Wales at the Rugby” and then I asked him how he was doing.

Here’s another example I used recently.

Phil, I was shooting some Basketball yesterday and it reminded me of when you used to play for me at Walsall How have you been?

My excuse in that example was basketball and how he used to play to play for me which is what we had in common

The script is simple and effective.

It opens up the communication and allows you to invite the person to look at your business later.

Try it out today and let me know how it works out.


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