
Recently introduced by Apple and shows you where your time is going!

Ideally, the Social Media category will be non- existent...

To install the Screen Time widget:

• Swipe to the Today Screen do this by swiping right from your home screen.

• At the bottom of the Today screen, select Edit. This will bring up a list of apps that have widgets.

• Tap the green plus button for Screen Time to enable the widget, and then tap and hold on the three-horizontal-lines button to reorder the widget to be near the top. 

You’re going to use this widget as a reality check against your own biased memory.

Obviously the target/goal is for you to use your mobile less, and and ofcourts to use the Social Media Sphere apps a lot less.

This Screen Time Widget will inform you if you are succeeding...


The Feature "Raise to Wake" lets you view see notifications on your lock screen simply by lifting your mobile.

You don’t want to accidentally see notifications on your lock screen when you just happen to be moving your phone around. You want only see notifications intentionally.

Check your notifications on your own schedule.

• Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Raise to Wake >Turn off...

The best wallpaper is an all black background and black actually saves battery (as much as 60%). 

• Go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper > Stills. The all-black option is right there at the end.

Simple background that looks good in all cases.

There are other options:

If you’re shy, choose a wallpaper that will help as a conversation starter...


Social media platforms are using the same techniques as gambling firms to create psychological dependencies and ingrain their products in the lives of their users, experts warn.

These methods are so effective they can activate similar mechanisms as cocaine in the brain, create psychological cravings and even invoke “phantom calls and notifications” where users sense the buzz of a smartphone, even when it isn’t really there.

“Facebook, Twitter and other companies use methods similar to the gambling industry to keep users on their sites,” said Natasha Schüll, the author of Addiction by Design, which reported how slot machines and other systems are designed to lock users into a cycle of addiction

‘Slot machine apps’  That’s how the app tries to become your boss — although maybe boss isn’t even a strong enough word. These are virtual drugs Barons,  (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) are all allowed to pose as a respectable member of society.

Thankfully, you can configure all of your social media to eliminate the addictive elements.

• Move Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope, LinkedIn and Tumblr into a folder on your second screen. These are addictions.

• Some people call this folder ‘Social’ or ‘Media’. I call mine Social Media Sphere. However may I should rename and thereby calling this folder Leisure so that one is being clear with oneself about when to open it.

• This setup goes a little bit deeper, though: hide your favorite social apps on the second screen of that folder.

Here’s what I mean. When your addictions are in the first screen of a folder, they’re still visibly calling out to you. Still bad:

Instead, move your apps to the second screen of that folder, so the first screen has just one app, the second screen has the rest.... smiles

This second-screen-of-folder-on-second-screen strategy requires that at least one app be visible. When you reach this decision I would recommend you choose LinkedIn. It’s the least addictive.

Mind you, you could just delete all your social media apps mischievous grins...


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